The Hum is a sound some people wait for while others tan. Everyone longs for love. After signing up for a snorkelling course, Kim and Sabine realise they have come to the wrong beach.

– Fucking hell, says Sabine. – What now then, says Kim. 


Title: THE HUM

Concept: Susie Wang
Text/direction: Trine Falch Scenography: Bo Krister Wallström   
Sound/music: Martin Langlie
Light: Phillip Isaksen Stage tech/decoration: Antti Bjørn
Stage technician: Ole Jørgen Løvås  Language consultant: Nelly Winterhalder

Cast Sabine: Mona Solhaug
Kim: Mari Strand Ferstad/Julie Solberg/Kjersti Aas Stenby
Barni: Kim Atle Hansen
The ocean: Bente Alice Westgård/Rannei Grenne
The offspring: Janne Aass

Photo: Alette Schei Rørvik

Thanks to: Jean Vincent Kerebel/Black Box Teater 

Supported by: Arts council Norway, The Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting, The Fund for Performing Artists and The Audio and Visual Fund


THE HUM is the first performance in Susie Wang's trilogy about human nature

Premiere: October 12th. 2017, Rom for Dans, Oslo

Length: 80 minutes

“It isn't the form or the visuals that breaks with the normal – on the contrary. It seems extremely important that everything looks real and natural. But through the dialogues and the small incidents that unfold, insanity seeps through. And without it ever being mentioned, a strong sense of doom wrapped up in everyday life takes hold.”
