“I can safely say that I’ve never seen anything quite like Burnt Toast (…) a disturbing yet tender tale of love and cannibalism.“
“Honestly, to this day, I am still in shock from what I experienced on stage last night and my hands still hurt after the final applause.”
“With Susie Wang, the chills caused by the well-managed hatching of blood and liver, the laughter caused by such terrifying nonsense, and even the most unbridled romanticism are equally guaranteed.”
“Love, in all its forms, like cannibalism is a force that sucks everything. Chekhov’s suitcase turns out to be a black hole.”
"Burnt Toast brings a really new, evil-naive imagery to the stage, where B-movie cliches, political depth psychology and Zen atmosphere are surrealistically compacted.”
–Berliner Zeitung (English translation)
–Berliner Zeitung (original)
“The Oslo troupe Susie Wang is refreshingly uninterested in neither political interventions, nor post- or anti-dramatics. With "Burnt toast" they deliver a splatter-horror-psycho-scary show of the finest kind.”
–Nachtkritik.de (English translation)
–Nachtkritik.de (original)
“The insidious – or also the refined nature of the narrative style is that it triggers contradictory emotions, that the cruel actions can also be seen as the initiation of a love story. “
–Die Tageszeitung (English translation)
–Die Tageszeitung (original)
“Was als bemerkenswert sinnfreier Smalltalk zwischen den Geschlechtern beginnt, eskaliert bald in eine psychoanalytisch aufgeladene Gewaltorgie unter Vampiren, die in schönster B-Movie-Manier bühnentechnisch ausbuchstabiert wird.”
“Das ist das geniale an Susie Wangs Horrortheater. Sie macht das unmögliche möglich.”
“Danny and Violet will make you laugh, make you wonder, make you shudder” (…) Susie Wang repeats and exemplifies at her sharpest until only the sound of breath and pulse remains.”
“Grotesque, Transgressive and Fine Tuned Theatricality”
“The splatter effects are so realistic that it feels real even from the second row.”
“Burnt Toast» digs deep into our angst. It could have been be seen as speculative. I come into touch with things I am really scared of, and it gets elevated to a terrifying level, which makes me constantly wonder if it means something more.”