Margit is in the museum looking back at things when the past attacks.

- Ouch, she cries. - I told you, the museum guard says.

With the female body as an excavation field, Susie Wang makes a kind of opposite archeology, where the past finds the human being and drags her down.


MUMMY BROWN won The Norwegian Theatre Critics Award for best performance 2018/19


Concept: Susie Wang Text/direction: Trine Falch Scenography: Bo Krister Wallström Sound/music: Martin Langlie Light: Phillip Isaksen Sound engineer: Bård Ingebrigtsen Stagecraft: Simen Ulvestad SFX: Fanney Antonsdottir Carpentry: Jon Løvøen Language consultancy: Lina Hindrum, Niklas Adam

Cast The museum guard: Mona Solhaug Frank: Kim Atle Hansen/Eivin Nilsen Salthe Margit: Valborg Frøysnes/Julie Solberg Museum guest 1: Mari Strand Ferstad/Selome Emnetu/Janne Aass/Fanney Antonsdottir Museum guest 2: Martin Langlie Museum guest 3: Bo Krister Wallström/Simen Ulvestad Museum guest 4: Phillip Isaksen

Photo: Alette Schei Rørvik

Thanks to: Olav Myrtvedt, Jean Vincent Kerebel, Emmy Christensen, Goksøyr&Martens, Verdensteatret, Dramatikkens Hus, Rom for Dans

Supported by: Arts Council Norway, The Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting, The Fund for Performing Artists, The Audio and Visual Fund and Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Performing Arts Hub Norway


MUMMY BROWN is the second performance in Susie Wang's trilogy about man and nature.

Premiere: October 5th. 2018, at Rom for Dans, Oslo

Duration: 80 min.

“In this theatrical fantasy, the audience become augurs, whose imaginations conceal the real abysses, the true black holes. (…) The art here is in the fears of the beholder.”

–Die Welt